BVBA LENZ (company number: 0719418316) hereby grants you access to www.byLenz.be (hereinafter: “Website”) and publishes texts, images and other materials provided by LENZ and/or third parties. LENZ reserves the right to change the content of its website at any time and/or remove parts without having to give notice.
The information on the website is intended as non-binding and not as a concrete offer to conclude an agreement. Agreements are only concluded after acceptance of the order by LENZ.
Limited liability
The products offered on the website are offered without any form of guarantee and/or claim to correctness. These products may change at any time without prior notice from LENZ.
All content of the website, and in particular all prices on the website, are subject to typing and programming errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of such errors. No agreement is concluded on the basis of such errors.
All intellectual property rights concerning source files, indesign documents, logos and trademarks, texts, website, photos and other rights belong to LENZ and/or its licensors.